Aurelia: Modern and Future JavaScript Framework
When we mention Aurelia we are talking about a group of modules consisting of JavaScript that works together as an app, desktop, and browsers foundation for being built. They are all created via an open web and open source guideline.
Elements of Aurelia:
Adding elements is quite easy too. An element can be used over and over again throughout different areas of an application. When this is done, an HTML is not required.
Components of Aurelia:
The components of Aurelia are considered the backbone of the entire Aurelia framework. They consist of a view-model consisting of JavaScript as well as an HTML written view.
Overview of Dojo Toolkit:
When it comes to a Dojo toolkit, it refers to a toolkit that is comprised of a JavaScript library that Aurelia developers use to create different websites consisting of JavaScript/Ajax as well as apps that are cross-platform. The Dojo toolkit’s purpose is to improve the overall process through the use of web standards as opposed to a platform. A nice benefit of a Dojo toolkit includes a core made up of loadable modules that can be accessed in no time.

Components of the Dojo toolkit:
A Dojo toolkit is comprised of the following four components:
- Util — This includes tools used to document, optimize, automate, and check styles
- Dojox — This involves the use of modules that are experimental and not yet reliable for the addition to Dijit or Dojo
- Dijit — A Dijit is used for a user interface as a layout library and widget
- Core — A core is comprised of modules that are non-visual and central
Reasons to choose Aurelia:
Aurelia offers quite a few frameworks to choose from. It also offers an approach never seen before in the world of development through its ability to be flexible and strong which is unseen among all other alternatives that exist. With this said, the following reasons are great to consider prior to choosing Aurelia.
- Compliance in standards is kept in high regard
- Stability with API is desired although JavaScript can be unpredictable
- Safety is craved among data-flow as data-binding remains productive
- Efficient memory and speed are offered
- A single option that is all-inclusive
Structure of Aurelia:
The structure consists of several building blocks including:
- An assets directory — This directory is comprised of various images and styles seen in sub-directories.
- A components directory — This directory stores components that are commonly used like bars for navigation.
- A pages folder — This folder contains all information concerning the app.
Advantages to building App with Aurelia:
With Aurelia, you are provided the ability to create an app that is unique and that no one else can claim. This makes it very advantageous to use as a framework like we see below:
- You are provided with complete modularity and extensibility. Aurelia development may need individual components, plugins, or elements.
- Aurelia is used independently
- Javascript can be used for plain writing of components
- Developers are able to inject objects so that their components can be tested.
- Uses are simplified in order to cut down on the amount of needed Aurelia developers
5 Benefits Of Choosing Aurelia js Over AngularJS:
At the same time that we saw the update of Angular 2 appear, we witnessed the appearance of the Aurelia JS framework. With Aurelia JS, a few benefits exist that makes it superior to Angular JS such as:
- Data binding
- HTML is extensible
- Supports various languages
- An approach known as MV
- UI composition and Routing
Future of Aurelia:
Aurelia is predicted to have a bright future and with that there are a few areas that will be good to look out for including:
Continuous Improvements — Many Aurelia solutions and improvements will come forward. These will include improving the way modules get used as apps continue to be developed.
Tools — In order for the entire system to remain stable it will require tools that will be able to maintain it. These new tools will consist of the following:
- Validation of templates
- Plugi9n for VS code
- Webpack
Server-Side Rendering — Although there may not be a need for rendering, having it available can make things easier when any opportunities present themselves.
Aurelia UX — This framework is made up of user experiences that help application designs that use UI and UX. A few examples of what makes up Aurelia UX includes:
- Flow, Interaction, Movement
- Data Visualization
- Components
- Palettes, Themes, and Styling
- Platforms, Design languages, and Hosts
As you can see Aurelia has a lot to offer and with Chetu you’ll be able to receive the same great Aurelia development services. However, the difference is that Chetu goes one step further by providing exceptional solutions used in conjunction with Aurelia. So if you are looking to hire Aurelia developers, get ahold of Chetu today!